Fadeless® Wicker, Take What You Need Bulletin Board

2-3 hours

Wicker BB

Some days children need a little pick-me-up. Create this social emotional bulletin board to inspire your students to take encouragement when needed but to also give some inspiration to others when they can. This is a great bulletin board to use as a base for other applications as well: student artwork, student school photos, or letters of the alphabet for example.

Step 1

Cover bulletin board with Wicker Fadeless® Designs Paper. To do this, first cut enough paper to cover the board. Find the center of the paper you’ve cut. Roll in edges in and secure at the bottom of the rolls with binder clips. Start securing the paper to the board by stapling at the top center. Roll the paper out to the left, stapling as you go. Roll out the remainder of the paper to the right stapling across the top. Then staple down the sides and bottom, smoothing the paper as you go along. Cut off excess paper around edges. (For our “How to” video go to: youtu.be/0BW84xgH3fo). Then attach Black Bordette® around edges. Layer White Bordette® on top of that.

Step 2

Next prepare bulletin board components. First download and enlarge letters template 200% and cut from Black Pacon® Card Stock. Or if using a Cricut use our files at: bit.ly/3IMUF8R. Or use Cricut font: Four Seasons Home Decor* 5-1/2". Attach letters to board.

* Cricut charges may apply.

Step 3

Prepare corner rosettes by cutting one fold of Lia Griffith™ Double Sided Crepe Paper into four equal strips.

Step 4

Then taking one strip at a time, start making the rosette from the center out. Crinkle and twist crepe paper around center, gluing as you go. Each rosette should be approximately 4" to 5" in diameter. Glue one rosette to each of the corners of the bulletin board.

Step 5

Prepare clotheslines by cutting eight Creativity Street® Natural Wood Dowels to 27" long and 16 lengths of White Trait-tex® 4-Ply Jumbo Roving Yarn to 18" long. Taking two dowels and two lengths of yarn, wrap each yarn 1-1/2" from the ends of the dowels and knot it securing the dowels together. Do this to all four sets of dowels. Then spacing the sets evenly across the board, attach each dowel set to board by hot gluing only under where the yarn is.

Step 6

Next cut three 80" lengths of yarn to string between the dowels. Staring with the top left dowels tie one length of yarn where it is secured together from step 5.

Step 7

Then before wrapping yarn around next set of dowels be sure to add Lia Griffith™ Cotton Spun Paper Balls to the yarn. Then continuing wrapping and tying this length of yarn around the other dowel sets. Cut off any excess yarn. Finish tying the other two lengths of yarn across the dowels, spacing them approximately 9-1/2" down from the one above.

Step 8

Final steps, cut White Pacon® Card Stock to 5-1/2" x 5-1/2" squares. Decorate some and leave some blank for children to add their own inspiration. Use Creativity Street® Mini Spring Clothespins to add these cards to the clotheslines. Take the remaining fold of Lia Griffith™ Double Sided Crepe and cut into 10 equal sections. Create 10 tassels and add them to the clotheslines for an added burst of color.

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