Fadeless® Chalkboard, Donut Stress Bulletin Board

2 - 3 hours

Donut Stress

This stress management bulletin board has simple reminders and tips to keep your students’ stress in check. Remind your students there’s no reason to stress and to just try their best with this 6' x 3-1/2' board! Encourage them to share and create their own their own message and share with others.


Chalkboard Fadeless® Designs Paper, 48" x 12', #P0057458 or 48" x 50', #P0057455

Bordette® Decorative Border, 2-1/4" x 50', Pink, #P0037264

Pacon® Natural Kraft Paper, 36" x 1,000', #P5736

Pacon® Card Stock, 8-1/2" x 11", Classic White, #P101188 & Black, #P101187, Colorful Assortment, #P101199

• Stapler

• Scissors

• Double-sided tape (optional)

• Cricut machine (optional)

Step 1

Cover bulletin board with Chalkboard Fadeless® Designs Paper. To do this, first cut enough paper to cover the board. Find the center of the paper you’ve cut. Roll in edges in and secure at the bottom of the rolls with binder clips. Start securing the paper to the board by stapling at the top center. Roll the paper out to the left, stapling as you go. Roll out the remainder of the paper to the right stapling across the top. Then staple down the sides and bottom, smoothing the paper as you go along. Cut off excess paper around edges. (For our “How to” video go to: youtu.be/0BW84xgH3fo). Then attach Pink Bordette® Decorative Border around edges.

Step 2

Next prepare bulletin board components. Download and enlarge “D-NUT STRESS” letter templates 400% and cut from White Pacon® Card Stock. Then download and enlarge donut template 300%. Cut six base shapes from Pacon® Natural Kraft Paper, frosting from Pink Pacon® Card Stock and sprinkles from various other colors. Assemble donut shapes. Next download and enlarge the donut phrases template 300%. Cut from Black Pacon® Card Stock and attach to five of the completed donuts. Or if using a Cricut use our files* at: bit.ly/3wmyIsG.

* Cricut charges may apply.

Step 3

Finally, download and enlarge “Do Your Best” template 200%. Cut from Black Pacon® Card Stock. And download and enlarge pennant and bow templates 200%. Cut pennant pieces from White Pacon® Card Stock and bows from Pink Pacon® Card stock. Assemble pennant pieces. Finish by attaching everything to your board.

Step 4

Use this board to help your student think of other ways to handle stress. Ask them to share their stress-relieving tips with the class or develop a lesson in which teams of students brainstorm additional ways they can find ways to do their best when they are feeling anxious or nervous.

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